Michael Searles
Founder / Spiritual Guidance and Healer / and an Event Speaker
I am, and can be all things I desire to be in my Life.
I am God's chosen One.
I'm an Earth Angle.
My Life has been a Challenge for me from Birth to Present.
I was born with a special blessing from God. This blessing
was suppressed by different individuals for most of my Life.
I have lived with the knowledge, and Personal Experiences in Childhood and Adult Trauma's, through out my life.
I was Sexually Abuse as a child, by a Relative.
I have lived, and experienced many years of Narcissistic Personal Relationship Trauma and Abuse both in Marriage and in Friendships.
I am a Survivor of Life, in God.
Not a victim!
"I Lead by Example. By Speaking my Authentic Truth, and My Actions."
"I know now who I am... I am one with God."